PS5 Emulator PS5Emux is Finished & Ready to Run PlayStation 5 Exclusives!

A very cheerful news for all PC gamers came across all over the gaming portals today, and that is that the PS5 emulator project “PS5Emux” has been finally officially released on their official website and is ready to lunch Sony’s PlayStation 5 exclusives on computers running Windows and Mac operating systems.

PlayStation 5 emulator "PS5Emux"

Many gamers have been waiting this release for the last few years after PS5Emux team announced in 2020. that they are working on developing their newest emulator project. Their beta version cam released in the beginning of 2024. however it was only supporting few of less hardware demanding PS5 games, which is still considerable as fine, since the emulator got released for testing purposes only in that time.

It’s praiseworthy to mention that while even it was in its beta-tester stage, PS5Emux is capable to run all of earlier Sony’s console games completely normally and without Continue reading

5 Tips to speed up your Slow Windows PC

Speed up PCWhile using your pc, there is nothing as nagging as having to endure a slow working pc-especially if you have a lot to do! Normally, a quick reboot will do the trick however there may be instances when even this doesn’t work. There are a number of things that could result in a slow PC and we will take a look as some of them plus possible remedies to the problems.

Something might be consuming precious resources
There could be something(s) that is consuming precious resources on your PC which you need to find and fix. You need to find out what is consuming your CPU resources and fix it as soon as Continue reading

How to Hack Facebook Account Using Special Software

Facebook hacking softwareWe have used to see many technology miracles in past few years, and this one is about How to hack Facebook account with using a software specially developed for this purpose.
Since Facebook social network is already more then decade old, a hackers are inventing new methods to crack someones account every day. Most of these methods usually gets sealed by Facebook very fast as soon their staff members discovers them. It’s their most important duty to keep profiles of their users safe so they can continue using the world No.1 leading social media site so it would be a disaster for Facebook is its users migrate to some other social network if they feel unsafe for their accounts of getting hacked.

Currently the newest trick black hat coders invented is a way to how to hack Facebook accounts with special software, available to download on their Instagram, where all kind of hacking tools and apps can be found. And by now FB staff team still didn’t find a right patch to stop Facebook passwords getting cracked with it. It functions with a specific system of using an exploit from FB’s database from which Continue reading

AwakenCybers Hackers Responsible for the Invasion on Twilio, Also Tried to attack Workers of Cloudflare

Cloudflare, a firm that offers a broadband network, revealed on Monday that at least 35 of its staff members and the relatives of those employees received messages on their personal and professional cell phones that contained qualities similar to those of the sophisticated phishing attack against the Twilio company.

The failed attempt at hacking, which happened around the time Twilio was hacked, originated from 3 telephone numbers that were joined with SIM cards that T-Mobile supplied. In the end, the endeavor was unsuccessful. cyber attack

The purpose of the SMS messages was to deceive the employees into handing out their login information by pointing them to a website that appeared to be real and contained the keywords “Cloudflare” and “Okta” in the domain.

The management believes that the movement of over 50 phishing SMSs started just under half an hour, just after the phishing web address was authorized via Continue reading

Technology Today: Kids are Skilled Hackers

Kid hacker programmerWith the advancements in technology and the free access to gadgets by kids, it is no wonder that many children have turned hackers. Forget about hacking into simple sites but some kids have been able to penetrate even some of the more perceived hard sites to hack. The question is how innocent children turn to hackers? Is it just a presence of gadgets and internet access plus loads of information that influences them? Or is it what they see in the movies? No matter the answer to the question, the fact remains that plenty of children are skilled in programming and hacking nowadays than they were say in the 1990s or early 2000s.

Naturally speaking, children are curious human beings. This means that a Continue reading

What is Game Patch/Keygen/Crack and where can I found it?

Software crackingTechnically speaking, there are four different ways in which a gamer can fix a software program or crack the program to get complete access to its features. These four ways are through the use of cracks, patches, keygens or serials. By fixing a program what is actually meant is making use of a tool or method to bypass whatever code is making that software not be free and then proceeding to use it for free instead of having to pay for it. This means playing free games for gamers! Of the four methods, keygens are simply the best while cracks are on the Continue reading